2. Once you logged in, you will see your Drive. On the left-hand menu, click on the last link, Download Google Drive. Install Google Drive in your PC. Here is the screen shot.
3. Once you have installed Google Drive for PC. It will ask for login in Google Drive.Here is the screen shot.
4. Next it will be presented with a short walk through of Google Drive's features.
5. When you press next button, you have the option to alter your sync settings by clicking on Advanced Setup or you can synchronize all files and folder by click on Start sync button.
6. You can change folder location, by default it all files will go at C:\Users\computer name\Google Drive If you only want to sync certain folders to your Google account, select those in the Sync options box. You will be able to change these later as you create new folders. Note that files not in a folder will always sync.Here is the screen shot.
7. When you press Start sync button selected folder and files that are not in a folder will synchronize in your specified location.Open your Google Drive folder. You can do this by going to Start -> All Programs -> Google Drive, or finding Google Drive folder shortcut on Desktop and double-clicking it.
8. To upload any file to Google Drive, just copy the file and paste it into the Google Drive folder.
Google Drive will automatically sync the file to Google's servers.You will get a successful transfer message
in window
If there is a tick mark in the icon of the folder or the file that you are uploading, it means that the file has been successfully uploaded. If not, either the file is still getting uploaded or the upload failed. Here is the screen shot.
You can see first file josites is in processing, it is not uploaded to Google's server till now because there is no tick mark on this file.
Now all files that you paste it into the Google Drive folder can be access by any Internet-enabled device by logged in Google account.
Thanking you see you in next tutorial.
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