Hello World Web Application
1. Create Dynamic Web Project:
In Eclipse go with File -> New -> Dynamic Web Project .It should be look like this:
2. Now give the name of project as HelloWordExample and give the Target runtime (Tomcat installation directory path if you are using eclipse workspace first time) , and leave the other options as it. It should be look like this:
Now click next -> next finally you will get screen shot as below :
3. you can change content directory name , checked Generate web.xml deployment descriptor ( by default it check ) , now click on finish.Finally your project directory structure is ready to use.Now select
Windows -> Show View -> Navigator . It should be look like this:
4. Now copy following jar file to project's WebContent ->WEB-INF ->lib .
5. web.xml is used to configure the servlet container properties of the HelloWorldExample application. The filter and the filter-mapping elements are used to setup the Struts 2 Filter. Url-pattern map with filter-name and filter-name with filter-class , StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter , so all incoming request will be handled by filter-class (Here is StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter ).Here Welcome file is index.jsp. Here is the code:
6. struts.xml,The Struts 2 Framework uses a configutration file (struts.xml) to initialize its own resources (like package, action class, interceptors etc).Here struts.xml file contains the following action mapping.
7. index.jsp is use for view and it is entry point of our application. Here i am using struts UI tags because use of this tags are simple and powerful. taglib directive should be included if you want to use struts UI tags.create index.jsp inside WebContent folder. Here is the code:
8. HelloWorldAction.java (Action class) is used for Business Logic . Here i am creating this file in src folder with package name com.ourtechspace.struts2 . This class will call when helloWorld action will call. In the execute() method of the HelloWorldAction class we compose the message to be displayed . Here is the code:
9. helloWorld.jsp is use for displaying message which has construct in execute() method of HelloWoldAction class. Create helloWorld.jsp inside WebContent folder. The s:property tag displays the value of HelloWorldAction class property helloMessage through the getHelloMessage(). Here is the code:
10. Here is the directory structure for HelloWorldExample application .
11. Now run the project, index page will be displayed.
Enter the name and press submit button helloWorld.jsp output will be displayed.
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5. web.xml is used to configure the servlet container properties of the HelloWorldExample application. The filter and the filter-mapping elements are used to setup the Struts 2 Filter. Url-pattern map with filter-name and filter-name with filter-class , StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter , so all incoming request will be handled by filter-class (Here is StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter ).Here Welcome file is index.jsp. Here is the code:
6. struts.xml,The Struts 2 Framework uses a configutration file (struts.xml) to initialize its own resources (like package, action class, interceptors etc).Here struts.xml file contains the following action mapping.
7. index.jsp is use for view and it is entry point of our application. Here i am using struts UI tags because use of this tags are simple and powerful. taglib directive should be included if you want to use struts UI tags.create index.jsp inside WebContent folder. Here is the code:
8. HelloWorldAction.java (Action class) is used for Business Logic . Here i am creating this file in src folder with package name com.ourtechspace.struts2 . This class will call when helloWorld action will call. In the execute() method of the HelloWorldAction class we compose the message to be displayed . Here is the code:
9. helloWorld.jsp is use for displaying message which has construct in execute() method of HelloWoldAction class. Create helloWorld.jsp inside WebContent folder. The s:property tag displays the value of HelloWorldAction class property helloMessage through the getHelloMessage(). Here is the code:
10. Here is the directory structure for HelloWorldExample application .
11. Now run the project, index page will be displayed.
Enter the name and press submit button helloWorld.jsp output will be displayed.
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