1. Customer Include (CI):
You will be need the authorization to activate the database tables to do this.
Please follow these steps:
a. Find a CI in the database table which you want to enhance. I will use include CI_FKKOP to enhance.
b. Double click on CI_FKKOP and select “YES” if this is not already created.
c. Choose tic mark.
d. Give the short description for the structure.
e. Define the fields to enhance the database table and activate the structure.
It will take some time because system will activate all the database tables and structure those are having this customer include.
After activation table DFKKMOP and other database tables and structures those have this customer include will be enhanced with fields “Test1” and “Test2”.
2. System Include:
Follow the same steps as given to implement CI in the point one. With structure “SI_FKKOPP”.
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